Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Michael Gestalt principles

Instructor response to the exercise.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gestalt Princiles

With this design, i can definately see elements of the Gestalt Principles. In particular continuity. This is shown through the wavy lines which direct the viewer to the bottom left side of the page and give the overall image a sort of a flow.

Response to Contrast Evaluation

Instructor comments on contrast exploration.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


This is a art piece i did last year. I think this demonstrates a number of techniques used in contrasting.
The smoothness of the girls skin to the roughness of the ruins surrounding her is a good example of contrast and is in my opinion very effective.
There is also contrast between dark areas and light areas. Light areas being the girl herself and the moon, and the rest of the image staying quite dark which gives it a sort of hierarchy.
The picture is also balanced into negative and postive space.
Lastly, the woman has very soft and curvy egdes in comparison to the edges of the concrete which are sharp and jaggered. This works well together.

Coke Competition

Here is my design for the upcoming competition by Nandos for a coke cola bottle design. So far this is what ive come up with. I think it looks quite good and to be is gives off the vibe of Optimism and Happiness, which was the criteria for the entry.
However, i think i will have to change some of the shapes and silhouettes ive used to give it a little more depth by using gradients.
Apart from that, i think the colors and overall layout work well. I stll need be to print it off and see what it looks like on a bottle before i can be a %100 confident with this.