Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Incomplete Manifesto for Growth

"Allow events to change you"
I think this point is very valid. Throughout life we encounter a number of experiences that shape and mould our personalities slowly, and sometimes dramatically. I think its important to learn from our experiences so that we know what it is we should be looking out for in life. I think that its good to be open to knew experiences and be willing to be changed by them, as long as its in a positive way. There are some experiences that can ultimately change you for the worst, i think they should be looked out for and approuched with caution.
When it comes to me own experiences and work, i think that anything that allows me to develop a sense of empathy, or feeling dramatically enchances my ability to demonstrate them through design.

"Process is more important then outcome"
I like the concept that the journey is more important and valueble then the end. The journey itself is what we have experienced and what we hold as memories which ultimately develope the end product. WIthout a good journey, we dont have a good end.
I guess in a way this can definately apply to design in that without having any prior planning, even an idea, learning how to use photoshop, researching other designers and broadening our perception on what art is, its hard to come up with a design for, lets say, a poster.

"Avoid Software - The problem with software is that everyone has it"
I think this idea is pretty silly in my opinion. I know for a fact that more people DONT have software. Software allows us to create amazing designs, quickly and effeciently, then what would be humanly possible to do without it. I think software is critical, especially in todays societies, where the number of different medias that exist are many, any the majority of them incorporate some form of software.
To not use software and avoid it is career suicide.

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