Friday, May 16, 2008

Understanding Comics Chapter 9

Last and final chapter! Woot!
One of the points i found really interesting about this chapter was the remark scott made when he said that mastery depends on the percentage in which the creater has successfully concieved into reality what was originally in his/her head. This is a very valid point, as a designer i know it can be very hard to get exactly whats in your mind onto canvas, and i imagine is must be even more hard for those doing film making, painting and making comics.
What conclusion i can draw from reading this book is that comics really are a misunderstood and extremely powerful medium. With comics, creaters have two of the most powerful tools at hand, and that is both pictures and text, and using these two in harmony like comics do, you can demonstrate any idea of tell any story with maximum efficiency. And i suppose that being said, using pictures and text along side itself could be considered a principle of design where designers making posters, flash ad's, brochures or even logo designs can maximize their message broadcast by using both text and imagery.

The poster above ( taken from an art website ) in one such example of what i mean in that having pictures and text can dramatically enhance the viewers experience and help establish that connection we all strive to invoke in our audiences.

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