Thursday, October 18, 2007

Geisha Series

Here is a series of designs which i spent some doing over the last week...i was trying some new ideas and ways of designing which i thought would look good.
Ive gone for a contemporary japanese painting theme through which i did a total of 3 different design which are similiar to eachother.
in terms of pointing out design aspects of these, i think there is quite a bit to comment on.
Ill start off by nailing the first thing i really notice when looking at these, and is my favourite element of all, and that is the depth
which the picture is showing. There is alot of it through the placement of the cherry blossoms which, and this brings me to my next point, contrasts
really nicely with the very flat image of the japanese geisha in the scene. Not only this type of contrast, but through the use of vibrant colors being the pinks and red,
and also the plan earthly colors of the textured background, this creates a brilliant contrast of colors.
I can also notice a bit of continuence happening here. Its only slight but it is there through the cherry blossoms which cascade into the canvas
which direct the eyes down the page as well as also across.
With japanese artwork there is often subtle hints of closure as well...Alot of the geisha is actually see through and the shading with the help of some of the outlining
help to compose the pictures as a whole.
Proximity also occurs a weird sort of way. Im not sure if im getting the right meaning of proximity..but here it goes. THe cherry blossoms are actually
made up of little bloches of paint, but when combined together...they make cherry blossom flowers!!
Anyway..i think thats all the gestalt principles i can see in these designs without going ill leave it at that.

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