Tuesday, October 23, 2007

RIA awards

This is a logo which i designed for the Research and Innovation awards which happen in the nothern territory annually.
There is a few gestalt principles which appear in here.
The arrow used in this logo which is represented as a star has both similarity and also continuation in it. Similarity appears becuase
the points of this star as all the same except for one which is extended longer then the rest, but still keeping in context with the rest.
Continuation occurs becuase the extended point in this star, in conjunction with the other points, make the viewer follow in the direction of hte longer point.
Apart from the start, continuation also occurs throughout the rest of the logo, becuase the logo is basically made up of one shape, it flows nicely,
and for me personally im compelled to look through the logo from start the end.
Closure is also evident here, this is visiable mainly in the arms and in in particular, the bow which the man is using to "aim for the stars"
Although the bow is not complete, the viewer can still distinguish what it is.

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