Monday, October 22, 2007

Mako Poster

This is a poster which i did this year for my Mako Creative promotion package.
The thing that stands out most for me is the contrast between the colourful clouds against the black and white picture which dominates most of the area.
Within the black and white picture itself, there is alot of contrast between the light and dark areas which gives it alot if depth, and aso a fantasy feel which i was after.
In terms of Gestalt i cant really see a whole lot of it but ill comment on what i can.
As always there is the ever so slight hint of continuence, the right hand side is built up with buildings and tree that connected to a bridge which leaves the canvas area so it really leads the eyes in that direction.
There is also some closure happening here with the moon. There is only some outlining of the moon, but just enough for it to represent itself accurately.
thats about it i think

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